This just in from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the national organization of the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit:
The Save Darfur Coalition has received over 100,000 paper and electronic postcards and large numbers continue to roll in every day. I encourage you to accelerate your postcard efforts in the days ahead ... Many communities, including some that are a considerable distance away from Washington, DC, also are planning to send large numbers of participants to the April 30 rally. Get your cards in and add to the numbers. It's so easy -- just go to and the website immediately opens to the electronic card. Send your off today and forward this information to everyone you know.
A Week of Prayer and Action for Darfur (April 2-9) has been declared by the various faith communities that are members of the Save Darfur Coalition. Materials appropriate for the various religious traditions are available at To read more about this, go to:
It's clear that our efforts are working. The media and public officials are taking notice and we need to keep moving forward!
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