Yes, you may leave stuff on the busses while we are at the rally. The weather is supposed to be beautiful in D.C. this weekend. This is the last posting until after the rally; both busses are filled. See you at the departure point, 10:00 pm tommorow!
Detroit 2 Darfur Coalition
The Detroit 2 Darfur Coalition has been succeeded by the Michigan Darfur Coalition. Please visit
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Over 15o high school students attended a detroit2darfur Coalition fundraising event last night in West Bloomfield. Centered around a "battle-of-the-bands," the students learned about the crisis in Darfur and crafted posters for the Rally Against Genocide. Liz Traison, a student at the Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit (JAMD), spearheaded her school's Darfur involvement and recruited over 50 JAMD-peers to participate in the bus caravan to D.C. This detroit2darfur Coalition event was co-sponsored by JAMD, the American Jewish Committee, Congregation Shaarey Zedek and the Michigan Board of Rabbis.
Oprah will interview George Clooney today about his recent visit to Africa. If someone records the show, we can watch it on the bus ...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Looking for something to read about Darfur on the bus ride? You may want to print out some articles by New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristoff, who was early to recognize what was happening in Sudan.
It's the Tuesday before the Rally Against Genocide and two busses from Detroit are now full. Hiring a third bus is not out of the question but I think this'll do it ... if you're planning a road trip on your own, please contact me for meet-up information.
The Detroit Jewish News has published its summary of the points Matthew Emry made at the Educational Forum last Sunday on its website:
Monday, April 24, 2006
A critical state-of-the-rally article appeared in the Forward:
Friday, April 21, 2006
I've emailed an itinerary to everyone attending the bus trip to the Rally Against Genocide. If you did not receive it, your spam blocker may have put it in your junk mail box.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
It's the eve of Passover and the Detroit2Darfur Coalition bus is filled! All reservations going forward will be added to a waiting list. We'll reserve a second bus, expecting that we can fill it ... but be prepared for anything. The itinerary has been finalized will be emailed to participants after the holiday.
See you at this Sunday's Darfur Educational Forum in Oak Park! (read below for more details)
Chag samayach!
Ellie Levine will double your philanthropy!
Hello. My name is Ellie Levine, I am a volunteer with American Jewish World Services (AJWS). We are looking to get a large and diverse turnout for the ‘rally to end genocide’ in Washington D.C. on April 30th. I am directing a $500 dollar micro-grant from AJWS towards providing sponsorship and financial aid for transportation costs for students and individuals who are not otherwise receiving any organizational grants.
I am calling upon anyone interested in matching or exceeding my donation so that more individuals who would like to attend the rally in Washington D.C., will be able to do so regardless of financial need. If you would like to provide additional funds to help more people attend, please contact me at Thank you very much.
Friday, April 07, 2006
This update from Sharona Shapiro, the director of the American Jewish Committee office in Detroit, and an initiating member of the Detroit2Darfur Coalition.
Update on Darfur Legislation
We are pleased that this week the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act (H.R.3127), passed overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives by a vote of 416-3.
The passage of the legislation comes five months after the Senate debated and passed a version of the bill (S.1462) on November 18, 2005. The House measure would authorize sanctions against, and also freeze the assets of, individuals responsible for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region of Sudan. Unlike the Senate version, H.R.3127, does not call for U.S. force in Darfur. It does, however, seekU.S. support for international and African Union humanitarian efforts and programs to protect citizens. There are numerous other differences between the two bills.
Congress has also been contemplating funding for Sudan. In his Fiscal Year 2006 Emergency Supplemental Budget request, President Bush asked for a total of $514 million to go to Sudan, with $351 million specifically earmarked for aid to the Darfur region, and the rest going to the remainder of the country. Of the $351 million, $123 million would be specifically for peacekeeping efforts in Darfur with remainder going to humanitarian aid.
In March, the full House of Representatives passed a FY06 budget including $173 million for peacekeeping efforts, bringing the total funding for Sudan to $564 million. The Senate Appropriations Committee passed a budget including similar numbers and a total of $564 of funding for Sudan this week. The FY06 Supplemental Budget in both the House and the Senate totals around $92 billion of funding.
AJC will continue to advocate for generous funding to stop the atrocities in Darfur.
Please contact the AJC [national] office at 202-785-4200 with any questions.
Thank you.

You are invited to participate in a whirlwind, round-trip bus caravan to the "Rally to Stop Genocide" in Washington D.C.
Departure from Detroit: Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:00pm
Rally on National Mall: Sunday, April 30, 2006 1:30 - 4:00pm
Arrival in Detroit: Monday, May 1, 2006 5:00 / 6:00am
Departure and arrival from Southfield, Michigan
$100 per person. Check with your campus Hillel or local congregation for subsidy info.
Please check with your congregation, Hillel Foundation, or community organization and ask about sign-up through their office OR contact the Jewish Community Council: 248-642-5393. Registration is complete upon receipt of payment. Checks should be made to the “Jewish Community Council” (address: 6735 Telegraph Road, Suite 205, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301). A waiting list may form. There will be no refunds unless the event is canceled. Make sure to provide your email and cell phone number.
Details about the April 16th Darfur Educational Forum in Oak Park. A flyer with the same information is circulating.
Putting an End to Genocide in Darfur: Our Responsibility in the World
You are invited to participate in a special Passover Educational Forum.
Let this be the holiday season when you make a difference!
Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 1:00pm
No charge. Families welcome!
Jimmy Prentis Morris Jewish Community Center. 15110 W. Ten Mile, Oak Park.
An afternoon of learning and activism featuring Matthew Emry, Senior Program Officer for Conflict, Post-Conflict and Emergency Relief, American Jewish World Service.
The genocidal campaign in Darfur, Sudan has claimed over 400,000 lives since February 2003. Mr. Emry will present the background of the conflict, discuss what must be done to stop the atrocities, and brief us on the work of AJWS.
View a short film about Darfur … Make posters for the April 30th Rally Against Genocide ... Listen to African drumming … Learn more about the Million Voices postcard campaign.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Our first college student to sign-up ... is Sam Langberg at the University of Michigan. Kol ha'kavod Sam; see you at the bus!
An editorial about Darfur appeared in today's Detroit Free Press:
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bus sign-up and student subsidy!
The Jewish Community Council has rented a 56-person bus slated to depart after Shabbat on April 29th, to return early morning on Monday, May 1st. Seats will be reserved only when our office receives $100 pre-payment by individual participants. Congregations and organizations may wish to reserve a block of seats and collect payment on their own. In that case, the congregation or organization will assume the cost of any unfilled seats in their block. The only opportunity for refunds for any participant or organization will be if the trip is cancelled. If we fill a bus ... we'll consider renting another, etc.
The Jewish Community Council would like to encourage the participation of college-aged community members by subsidizing their expenses. If your organization contributes $36 to a college student's fare, the Jewish Community Council will match it with $36 -- and the student will also pay $36. This offer will be open to the first 100 college students matched with a sponsoring organization.

Include Darfur in your Seder!
In past years, Jews throughout the world have been asked to remember other oppressed groups in their Passover seders: Soviet Jews, Ethiopian Jews, etc. This Passover, we ask you to think of the genocide taking place in Darfur.
Please take the time to view a Passover Insert that consists of readings of global concern including a mention of those oppressed by the janjaweed militia in Darfur. In addition, please read a Passover reflection by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld from the Society for the Advancement of Judaism entitled Who Knows One.
Please find an appropriate moment in your Passover seder to read them so that you and your guests can leave the seder inspired to take action.