Sunday, January 14, 2007

Knollenberg Replies

Detroit2Darfur Coalition activist Jeanne Servis wrote a letter to Congressman Joe Knollenberg and received a reply. See the correspondence at the link below.

Check out this website, called, which grades Members of Congress on their support of Darfur:

Congressman Knollenberg graciously received a delegation of clergy on behalf of the Detroit2Darfur Coalition last summer (see related post) but his D grade leaves room for improvement. The Congressman assured us of his concern and we know that there are no easy answers. But unless we speak up and let our Members of Congress know that we expect them to be actively engaged in saving lives, they will treat it like business as usual.

What do you think of Congressman Knollenberg's letter to Jeanne Servis? Would you be willing to write your own letter?

Kudos to Jeanne for picking up a pen and just writing down the questions that concern her! That's activism.